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XmlPackage Exception: Exception=Last Trace Point=[]. Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.

System.ArgumentException: Last Trace Point=[]. Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.

at InterpriseSuiteEcommerceCommon.XmlPackage2.TransformString() in D:\Websites\ShopCWI.com\CBE\ISECommon\XmlPackage2.cs:line 709 at InterpriseSuiteEcommerceCommon.AppLogic.RunXmlPackage(XmlPackage2 p, Parser UseParser, Customer ThisCustomer, Int32 SkinID, Boolean ReplaceTokens, Boolean WriteExceptionMessage) in D:\Websites\ShopCWI.com\CBE\ISECommon\AppLogic.cs:line 1003